Партнерская программа

This is a very important page for each user, here you can get a reward for everyone who signs up through your referral link and buys a button. You will be able to monitor in real time who connected through your ref link and what buttons he bought, as well as see the size of their awards 2 types of bonus: 1 - Linear bonus 2 - Schering bonus (income from income)

  1. linear bonus of 7 levels (accrued in $BNB tokens)

1 lvl - 5% 2 lvl - 4% 3 lvl - 3% 4 lvl - 2% 5 lvl - 2% 6 lvl - 1% 7 lvl - 1%

Levels in depth are opened from the number of partners on your 1st level who have at least one button of any kind. Accrued in tokens $BNB

  1. Schering bonus (income from income)

1 lvl - 10% 2 lvl - 6% 3 lvl - 5% 4 lvl - 5% 5 lvl - 4% 6 lvl - 3% 7 lvl - 2%

This bonus is accrued only from those buttons in the affiliate network that you have yourself. For example, if you have a 0.2 BNB button, you will receive bonuses only from the same buttons. Accrued in tokens $CLICK

Last updated